A little about the creator of PJ Events

I’m the mother of four. Three girls under the age of 10 and one teenage boy. I'm letting my love of creating, flow and inspire me to create fun and amazing slumber party experiences for other people’s kids.


I love when my daughters’ birthdays come around and I get to be creative and come up with fun ideas to celebrate, like My Little Pony with handmade masks for each of the kids to take home. Or the Peter Rabbit themed party where I painted 1-meter high Peter, Lily and Benjamin rabbits so the kids could stick their heads through to pretend to be bunnies.

After making some over the top princess dresses and a chameleon costume for the girls for Halloween it was suggested that I should start my own kids party business and put my sewing and creative skills to use.

I’d seen tepee parties on Pinterest and thought they looked like so much fun and that the girls would love them. And maybe it would help our little blended family come together a little more. And I was right it did, maybe a little to well. The girls are always requesting to have the tents set up.

So PJ Events was born. And I’m here turning my love and hobby of sewing, crafting and creating into something you can hire to entertain your kids and give them a great experience.

I really hope you enjoy the experience.
